Search Results for: literally

overused word literally meaning

Literally – an overused word?

Is the word literally overused? And how many syllables does the word literally have? In this video we compare three different meanings of literally: 1. in a literal way, so with the exact meaning of the words you’re using 2. literally meaning ‘really’ or in ‘truth’ 3. literally meaning virtually, when it’s used to exaggerate for effect Meaning 3 is an example of hyperbole, and it contradicts meaning 1. So literally has opposite meanings. Many

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6 interesting English idioms and the stories behind them. (Set 2)

Learn some interesting English idioms and the stories that lie behind them.We’ll show you what they mean and also how to use them in action. In this video you’ll learn about these common English idioms: put your best foot forward burn the midnight oil spill the beans born with a silver spoon in your mouth be on- get off your high horse win hands down If you enjoyed this video, you’ll like the first in

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Colloquial English: 12+ phrases you should know (set two)

This is the second video in a series on colloquial English where we’re looking at common phrases and expressions we use when we’re speaking. The best way to learn them is to see them in action. That way you can see when it’s appropriate to use the phrases and they become more memorable. Using colloquial phrases will help your English sound more natural and conversational. In this video we’re looking at these ones: Keep it

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15 useful English word pairs (binomials)

English word pairs are a kind of collocation – a fixed expression. The technical term for them is binomials and English is full of them! Learning English word pairs is a great way to boost your vocabulary.In this video you’ll learn how to use these English expressions and see lots of examples in action: fun and gamesalive and wellalive and kickinghere and nowhere and theretrial and errorquick and easyquick and dirtypins and needlesodds and endsodds

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What does the English word ironic really mean?

In this video lesson we’ll show you how the word ironic is used in action. It seems to mean rather different things to different people. Normally we use ironic in a couple of different ways. One is to describe how we say things. When we use words with the opposite meaning to their literal meaning, we’re being ironic. And the other meaning is similar. We could describe observations or comments as ironic when words are

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American Slang

More American slang expressions that Brits don’t use

How good is your American English? Play along and find out. In this American English slang lesson you’ll learn 6 American English colloquial expressions that Brits don’t use, and one (or maybe two) that both Brits and Americans use. They include: — riding shotgun — pork — bet the farm/ranch — bought the farm — the buck stops here — rain check — lemon To see our other American slang video, click here: To

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top comedy sketches

2019 Rewind – top comedy sketches

Come and join us on a trip down memory lane. Join us on a trip down memory lane and review some of our top comedy sketches from 2019. You can laugh and learn English at the same time. We’ll also plan the videos we want to make in 2020 and you can let us know your thoughts too. What would you like to see? This video is longer than normal because we’ll look back at

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words that are hard to say

Words that are hard to say in American and British English

We’re looking at 9 words that are hard to say in British and American English. • epitome • vitamin • pharaoh • logically • twelfth • literally • Connecticut • phlegm • guarantee We talk about: • silent letters • the tricky English th sound • syllable and word stress • British and American differences • /g/ and /w/ sounds and lots, lots more. To see our other videos on how to pronounce difficult words,

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english publishing vocabulary

Publishing plans and a new (temporary) schedule

Learn about our publishing plans and our new (temporary) schedule for YouTube English lesson uploads. We’re excited to announce that we plan to self-publish an e-book for English learners. The writing has started and we’re experimenting with tools we can use to make it available on smartphones, tablets and computers. To allow time for writing we will be publishing videos every other week. So we’re continuing with our plans to make new YouTube videos, but

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