This video tells the story of an event we came across going on in the street near our home. It was an art project that carried an important message about gun violence and homicides in the US.

I am an Adjunct Professor at Montgomery Community College and I am an artist. And this is a project I created called American Casualties in Drawing, in which we are drawing the amount of homicides in America from January first to September twenty-first of this year.
How many?
About ten thousand… ninety-seven hundred. When you tell somebody that twelve thousand people a year die from homicides in America, it’s just a statistic. But when you see ten thousand chalk body outlines stretched fifty feet wide eight blocks long, the reality of that number is there for you to see. It tells a story of the time that we live.
Mayor Nutter giving us these ten city blocks, for us to take up space in the middle of a downtown center, is a testament to how important this is to the city. And, the feeling that you get when you lay down on the ground, and have somebody outline your body as if you had been killed by gun violence, I think is incredibly powerful.
A thousand people a month are killed in America. We almost went to war because fourteen hundred Syrians were gassed. But in that same, in that same time period, a thousand American were gunned down in the street of America. So what I’m trying to do with this drawing is to show people the magnitude of the problem in America today.
Awesome! Great effort. Don’t do it!



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