by until till

By Until and Till – learn these English prepositions

By and Until – they mean different things. Do you know how to use these English prepositions? And what about until and till? Do they mean the same thing or something different? Find out in this video.

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If you’d like to see Zehra and Zeynep in another video, click here.
Click the links to see other preposition videos: For and To, By and To, For and Since, For and During

By Until and Till Video Script

You can watch this until nine o’clock, but then we’re going to change channels.
What’s happening at nine o’clock?
Dancing with the Stars is on.
She loves that program.

Gorgeous day and it’s going to stay like this until the weekend. It’s a terrible day, but it’ll be nice by the weekend.

Until: a situation that continues up to a time.

Gorgeous day and it’s going to stay like this until the weekend.

By: at or before a time – no later than.

It’s a terrible day, but it’ll be nice by the weekend.

So there’s ‘until’ and ‘by’ and what’s this? ‘Till’ is another way of saying ‘until’. Notice we spell it with two Ls. All these words are useful for talking about deadlines.

I need your report by Friday. Friday is the deadline. You must give me your report on Friday or before.
I need your report until Friday. I have your report and I’m going to need it all week. You can have it back after Friday.
I need your report by Friday. Can you give it to me on or before Friday?
I need your report until Friday. After Friday you can have it back.

Hey Zeynep!
Hello Vicki and Jay!
Did you get my email?
Yes. And we’re going to start work on the video today.
That’s great.
Can you finish by Friday?
Oooo, I don’t know. We’re a bit busy.
Can we send it next week?
I’ll have to ask Zehra.
Oh no! Not Zehra! Hi Zehra.
We were just wondering about the deadline. Could we have another week?
You have until Friday.
Sorry about that, but Friday’s the deadline.
Yeah, OK. You’ll have it by Friday.
Bye now.
Take care.
Bye Zeynep.

That’s great. Can you finish by Friday?
You have until Friday.

Let’s look at some more examples. Ready?

So when will you be back?
Not until late.
OK. I’ll probably be in bed by the time you get home.
Have fun! See ya!
Are you in bed yet?
I’ve forgotten my keys.
I’ll be back by twelve. Could you stay awake until I get back? Hello? Hello?

If you’d like to see Zehra and Zeynep in another video, click here.
Click the links to see other preposition videos: For and To, By and To, For and Since, For and During

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