Check you know the meanings and forms of the verbs feel and fall. They’re both irregular and felt is the past form of feel. Because feel and felt look similar, English learners often muddle them up. Let us help you get them right.

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Fall Feel Felt video script

Don’t mix these verb forms up. The past tense of ‘fall‘ is ‘fell‘, not ‘felt‘.
We feel emotions like anger, surprise and excitement.

I don’t feel well.
Hmmm, you feel hot.
You messed up my hair.

We can learn about things by feeling them with our hands.

What are you doing?
This present’s for me.
You can’t open it until Christmas Day.
I didn’t open it. I felt it though.

An important use of ‘feel’ is to say what we think or believe.

So how do you feel? What’s your opinion?

The market’s up again today.
Yes, rice is doing well. It’s up three points.
How do you feel about soy beans?
Oh what, for lunch?
No as an investment.

What is the matter with my head. Blood! I must have slipped and fallen.

When things fall they move from a higher level to a lower level. Temperatures fall. Pressure falls. Prices fall.

Good financial news today. The latest figures show inflation is falling.

Notice he said ‘falling’, not ‘falling down’. When things fall down, they fall to the ground. This branch has fallen down.
So the branch hit the ground. Trees can fall down and we can also say they fall over.
Fall over’ means move from a vertical to a horizontal position. People fall over too.
Just one last thing. ‘Fall’ can also mean ‘to become’. So we can fall ill. We can fall asleep.
And of course, we can fall in love.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

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