When you’re trying to work, it can be annoying when a co-worker is messing around and telling jokes. Watch how two workers make their colleague be quiet.
Note that ‘Shut up’ is an informal phrase. ‘Be quiet’ is a more formal way to say the same thing.

Click here to learn more about how we use phrases like ‘sounds like’ and ‘smells like’
Click here to find more conversations for English speaking practice.

Shut up – English conversation script

What’s orange and sounds like parrot? Carrot. A carrot rhymes with parrot. Ha! Come on.
Jay, we’re trying to work.
What’s red and smells like blue paint? Red paint. Get it? Red paint. Ha!
Jay, I’ve got one for you.
What’s loud and sounds like ‘shut up’?
I don’t know, what?
Shut up!

Click here to learn more about how we use phrases like ‘sounds like’ and ‘smells like’
Click here to find more conversations for English speaking practice.



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