Tag: Grammar


US Elections English Vocabulary Quiz

Take our US elections English vocabulary quiz and learn the words you need to join in discussions about the US elections. As well as the voting process, we’ll explain: – the race metaphor – terms for the political parties – blue, red and purple states – who can and can’t vote – some effects of COVID-19 – common collocations like hold an election and going to the polls – the primaries – words like platform,

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How good is your English – Quiz 6

Welcome to quiz 6 in our series about common English mistakes that ESL learners make. In this video we’ll ask you to identify 7 common English mistakes and choose your answer before the clock stops ticking. Then we’ll explain what’s wrong and show you examples of the correct English in action. We’ll also direct you to videos if you want more help with grammar and vocabulary. In this video we look at: – how we

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How English word pairs work

How English word pairs work

Word pairs make your English more colloquial and conversational. (To see our first video on word pairs, click here.) The technical term for these expressions is binomials and English is full of them! In this video you’ll learn: – what some of them mean – the common patterns they follow – how to use them in action We’ll show you phrases for things you’ll often find together like: – soap and water – shoes and

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English TH sounds

The English TH sound – fixing mistakes

Our video on the English TH sound is here at last! In this lesson you’ll: learn how to pronounce the tricky TH sounds (Yes, there are two of them!) see how we move our mouth and tongue watch examples of common mistakes, so you can avoid them learn which mistakes matter and which don’t The English TH sound Toe/So? Though. Though. Though. We’ve had lots of requests for a video on the TH sound. And

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English word pairs

31 word pairs for natural fluent English

Make your English sound more natural and fluent with useful English word pairs. These binomial expressions will make your English sound more colloquial and conversational. We start off with some easy ones like salt and pepper and knife and fork and then move on to some you might not know like: – an arm and a leg – touch and go – high and dry – to and fro – thick and thin – flesh

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Common english mistakes

How good is your English? Quiz 5

Don’t let these common English mistakes bring you down. Take the English quiz and see if you can answer before the clock stops ticking. We’ll show you how take your English up a level.

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July 4th: History and celebrations

July 4th, 1776 was the day 13 British colonies declared their independence from Great Britain and formed a new nation. Learn about the history of the US from an American and a Brit. (Do you think we’ll agree?) We’ll also show you how we celebrate July 4th today. You’ll hear why, in our opinions, we think: – Americans wanted a divorce from Great Britain – the founding fathers were treasonous/brave/far-sighted – taxation without representation was

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protests and racism vocabulary

Protests and racism – English vocabulary

Learn the English you need to join the conversations on racism and social injustice. Join Vicki and Jay while they prepare signs for their own protest and learn the words you need to join the global conversation on social injustice. We’ll look at: – different kinds of protests: marches, rallies, demonstrations – violence in the streets: rioting, looting, curfews, pepper spray, tear gas – how to use the words racism, racist and systemic racism –

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How good is your English? Quiz 4

This quiz is about common mistakes that English learners make. We look at: – affect vs. effect – by vs. until – how to say someone’s age – raise vs. rise – when we use the verb ‘suggest’ – structures we use (and don’t use) with suggest How good is your English? We’re going to have a quiz to find out. We’ll try to catch you out with some common mistakes. Let’s see how you

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English for the hairdresser's and barbershop

English for the hairdresser’s and barbershop

Jay hasn’t been able to get his haircut because of the corona virus so Vicki takes on a hairdressing challenge. What could go wrong? Learn lots of English words and phrases that you’ll need at the hairdresser’s and barbershop. You’ll learn how to: – explain the haircut you want – give instructions to your hairdresser or barber – engage in small talk Here’s just some of the hairdressing vocabulary we look at: The tools: scissors,

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